Better New Year

14 Ways to Make 2021 A Better Year

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This was a blog post I created after experiencing a year that turned into a global pandemic. It was a tough year, but I managed to get through it. Writing this post is a reminder for people to stay positive and never lose hope.

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

Let’s face it, 2020 has been a very rough year, and we’re ready for 2021. So much has happened that was unexpected. The Coronavirus pandemic is, of course, something we all didn’t see coming. Because of the pandemic, many people in the United States have lost their jobs and filed for unemployment. Also, the pandemic has claimed too many lives, not just in the United States but also worldwide. This has also led people to wear a mask everywhere they go and force a lot of restrictions such as social distancing and shutdowns.

However, the coronavirus pandemic is not the only thing that has made 2020 a rough year. We have had riots, racial tensions, the stock market crash, and the presidential election. I know that these things have happened here in the United States. Outside of the United States, other things have happened, too, such as the wildfires in Australia at the beginning of 2020 and European countries shutting down with no entry. And on top of that, the 2020 Summer Olympics, which were supposed to be held in Tokyo, was postponed until the summer of 2021 because of Covid-19.

Hopefully, when January 1, 2021, comes around, we can look forward to a sense of normalcy and live our lives freely without restrictions. Since we’re on the subject of 2021, I have compiled a list of 14 ways to make it a better year. I hope that all of you will have a better year than the chaos of 2020.

1. Accomplish Resolutions

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New Year Resolutions 2021

We all see a new year as a fresh start. So, when you want to have a fresh start in the new year, make yourself more productive. You can do this by setting goals to accomplish to see the outcome you hope to have with those New Year’s Resolutions.

Of course, making resolutions to accomplish something is always a must when the New Year comes. But how often do we set those resolutions and plan to stick with them but not do them?

I try to stick to my resolutions by writing a positive affirmation and placing it somewhere I can see it. For example, when I need to get some writing done, I will have a post-it note below my computer monitor that says “Keep Writing” or “Write Your Book” (I’m still working on that, but I’m trying to keep up my perseverance).

2020 has been a challenging year, and I’m pretty sure that it was hard for those who made New Year resolutions to stick to them because of COVID-19 restrictions. I’m hoping that 2021 will be more positive and less depressing. To all of you who feel the same way, you can write positive affirmations down and place them somewhere you can see them every day, and you can also repeat some positive mantras to yourself to stay inspired and motivated.

As long as you can do something to keep your thought process active on those New Year Resolutions in the ways that I had just mentioned, they can be helpful in the long run (hopefully by the end of 2021) to where you can not only stick to those resolutions but complete and accomplish them as well.

2. Organize Your Space

Organization is crucial when preparing for a better year, which is why it’s on this list.

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A perfect example of an organized space.

When it comes to organizing your space, it can be a variety of things in your life. You probably have a storage room filled with stuff you don’t use to be more organized for something important. You could have a messy desk or a space filled with clutter that needs to be cleaner to get some work done. You might also have something new that will take up a lot of space but need to find room for it.

While there are ways to organize actual space, like in an empty room or a desk, there are other methods to stay organized for 2021. One of those can be your priorities. What can you do to make sure that you complete the tasks at hand? What should I do first? What should I worry about more? Will I need this in the future? Another thing you can also organize is your plans, like how much money you will need to save up for this trip you’ve been planning. Or what will you need to attend this event?

Whether it’s an actual physical space or something you plan mentally in your head, keeping an organized space in either area is essential. Also, if you want to strive to make 2021 better than 2020, having some organization in the spaces occupying your surroundings and your mind is a must-do for when the New Year approaches.

3. Be Physically Active

Physical activity is an excellent way to make 2021 a better year than 2020.

You can get some exercise by biking, walking, or jogging outside, or even putting on rollerblades and skating around outdoors (if any of you rollerblade, I do, and it’s fun).

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Girl going for a run outdoors

However, Being physically active doesn’t necessarily mean exercising all the time. You can do a lot of things and be physically active in doing so, such as going outside in your backyard to get some sunlight, going outside to play fetch with your dog (if you have one), or you can even do something inside like working on a scrapbook or completing a fun project.

Whatever you choose to do, whether indoors or outdoors, exercise or not, please do something to be physically active because you’ll feel energized to do more, and it’s a great feeling to have. With that great feeling, you’ll have a positive perspective on anything that may seem negative in your life, like 2020 was for practically everyone. If you don’t want to live in 2020 all over again, make yourself active physically.

4. Try A New Hobby

We all have hobbies we love to do. Hobbies consist of having a collection of some sort, doing something crafty, and even taking stuff apart and putting it back together like puzzles.

Having a hobby and being active with it can lead to positive outcomes. Having a hobby means having a passion for what you do with it. If you make yourself try a new hobby, you can learn a lot from it, but you will discipline yourself with what you are doing, and it can be beneficial for you in doing so.

I’m sure some of you already know that I like to paint and draw and collect comic books as a hobby. I consider them my favorite hobbies because it’s fun and very relaxing when I can create something abstract on a canvas board and even read my favorite comic book issues occasionally.

Trying a new hobby can be fun, and you know what they say, “You don’t know if you will love something until you try it.” So whatever it is that you would like to try as a new hobby, do it. And who knows this new hobby could be one of the best things for you to happen in 2021.

5. Make Lists

2021 will come with everyone’s mindset being a fresh start. But how would that fresh start happen? Luckily, you can make lists for 2021.

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Make a To-Do List for 2021

You can make a list of anything. You can make a list of things you want to do and try, make a list of places you want to see, make a list of books you want to read, etc. Making a list can also help you stay on track with what you plan to accomplish; basically, a list of New Year resolutions is practically what this is at number 5.

In other words, you could make a bucket list to be used as a series of tasks you wanted to complete in 2021. So whatever it may be: a to-do list, bucket list, things to do daily, or even a dream/goal list can be helpful to keep you on track and make the New Year a lot better than the previous year.

6. Keep An Open Mind

2020 has caused a lot of limitations, and if there’s one thing I have learned, it’s to keep an open mind.

We’re going into 2021 with this pandemic still causing some chaos, so to make 2021 a better year, keep your mind more open to anything and everything around you.

When you have an open mind, you consider anything and everything in your surroundings. Your vision would be less tunnel vision and more of your eyes being wide open. You would also be able to put yourself in another person’s shoes if they seem to be struggling more than you. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with a type of struggle that’s a bit more than the other person, this can help you keep an open mind as well.

If you’re wondering how dealing with a struggle more than another person helps keep an open mind, hear me out. We don’t always know what someone is feeling in their hearts and minds, so when you look at what you are struggling with, look at everything good you have going on in your life. As for the other person who seems to be doing better than you, that person could be in the same boat as you; you don’t know that, and they have a way of keeping some things private. And you could also be there for that person as moral support to tell them they are not alone.

Everyone is different. That is what makes us unique as individuals. So if you want to make 2021 a better year than 2020, keep an open mind on anything and everything. Focus on the good things in your life and use them as an advantage to keep your head up. And if you can do that, it will benefit you as you go further into 2021.

7. Keep A Smile On Your Face

When times are hard, you probably feel drained and exhausted. So when you get that feeling, smile.

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I know you’re probably wondering why I say that. Smiling can do wonders when you’re feeling drained. I bet a lot of people have felt this way since the beginning of 2020. And since we’re all about to enter 2021, why not enter the New Year with a smile on your face?

2020 has been a sad and depressing year because of everything the world has faced. 2021 will be a New Year, so why not enter it with a smile on your face?

We’re still going to be facing some challenges that we dealt with in 2020 when we roll into 2021, but we can at least prepare ourselves when it comes, and doing that can help make this upcoming year better than the last.

8. Be Patient

I know being patient may be easier said than done, but it can benefit you later on down the road as we ring in 2021.

Being patient allows you not to rush anything and focus on the moment you are in. When you rush something, like wishing for the day to be over, it’s like you are rushing part of your life away; at least, that is how it has made me feel in the past. Time is precious, and if you take it slow and be patient while working on the goals you plan to accomplish, it will pay off in the long run.

So, be patient, breathe, and focus on the moment. Think only happy thoughts and good vibes. If you keep doing that, even in the most challenging moments, you’ll feel better about everything going on.

With everything that has happened in 2020, things cannot be awful and depressing forever. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Since we are about to enter 2021, we can use our patience to our advantage to make 2021 a whole lot better than 2020.

9. Go With The Flow

Do any of you wish you could have control over everything going on around you? There have been times I wished to control everything so there would be no chaos, just peace and quiet. I have also learned that trying to control everything is chaotic in its ways, and it can be highly stressful and pointless. So, if any of you have answered “yes” to my question, let me be the one to say that it is okay to have no control; just go with the flow.

Life is very stressful, especially right now, because even though we look forward to 2021, we have no idea what it will bring us. But I have learned that it’s okay sometimes to have no control because there are things that will happen that we won’t have any control over anyway.

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Go with The Flow in 2021

If some things are going on that you disagree with, think about what they are to you; in other words, pick your battles and accept that you are only one person, and you cannot fix everything. It’s okay not to fix everything because you have to think about your well-being and the well-being of those closest to you.

So go with the flow of everything you are doing and with what’s going on around you. If it’s an uncontrollable situation that heavily impacts someone you know and/or care about, you can offer moral support and sympathy. You can also view the situation as a whole to handle it without trying to control it.

10. Pamper/Treat Yourself

It would not be a bad idea to pamper yourself or treat yourself to something you like to do in the New Year. 2020 has been a year of negatives, so to relieve yourself from the dread of 2020, why not do something nice for yourself because you do deserve it? We all have to take care of ourselves.

We all need time to chill and relax and not be bothered by negative vibes. If you can, go to a spa and get a massage or a facial. And for all the girls out there, a mani-pedi is a great way to treat yourself as well. Go on a little shopping spree if you want, or pamper/treat yourself at home with the things you like to do.

Also, when you pamper or treat yourself to something, it’s a way to take better care of yourself. Your health and well-being are crucial when you have some work to get done because, to get something done, you have to be well-rested, have a clear mind, and be able to be aware of everything going on around you so you can have a clear focus to tackle the tasks at hand without stretching yourself too thin.

Whatever you like to do to treat/pamper yourself with something nice, do it. Because if you do, you will feel a lot better and more in tune with what’s to come. We all need a little “ME” time to function, and with 2021 coming to us, what better way to do it than at the beginning of a brand new year?

11. Check On Those You Are Close To

The family and friends that you are close to are the rocks that keep you grounded and the ones who encourage you. I know because I have family and friends that I’m close to that do the same for me. And I’m pretty sure that many people out in the world, especially some who are reading this, have been unable to see them because of this pandemic. This pandemic has been chaotic, and not seeing the ones you care about in person because of it is scary. You know how you feel about it, but what about those you haven’t heard from or seen because of Covid-19?

Hopefully, 2021 will be better enough to where you can see them without the Coronavirus putting down restrictions. But if you cannot see them in person yet, give them a call and/or shoot them a text message because just them hearing your voice alone lets them know that you’re not too far away virtually. Also, you could make their day much better if you reach out.

We don’t always know what goes on behind closed doors, so if someone close to you has been on your mind and you have not seen them or heard from them in a while, call them, text them, or even FaceTime with them. Any one of those things will help them feel better, and once you hear their voice, they could be making you feel better about something that has been weighing heavy on your heart and mind as well.

So for 2021, make it your mission to reach out to those you are close to and keep in touch as much as possible.

12. Learn Something New Every Day

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2021 is a New Year! So why not use the New Year to learn something new?

I consider this piece of advice one of the best ones on this list because when you learn something new, you gain perspective through a different lens than the one you always use.

For example, you come across an acquaintance you see daily, but you only know them from seeing them in the same place every day, like at school or work. One of the things you notice about them is their personality traits, such as how they are always busy and on the go or sometimes run late getting somewhere. You see those things about them, but do you know why they have those traits?

Well, that’s where learning something new can come into play. You could use that opportunity to get to know them a bit more. Who knows, they could teach you something new that you never knew before, like an easier way to get a complicated task completed, help you understand different solutions to a problem, and/or teach you something of a life lesson.

Another way you can learn something new every day in 2021 is to do research and google anything you are interested in or want to learn more about. Let’s say you plan on vacation to a place you have never been. You want to research the place, but don’t do research on what is there; also do research on the culture and the history of that place as well because doing that will not only teach you something new, but it can also provide you with more knowledge than what you had before.

Also, if you’re a college student and there’s a course you have to take even though it’s not considered your favorite subject, do some extra research on subtopics within that subject. If your professor gives you a syllabus, use it to look at the work you will be doing in that class. That way, as the semester goes on, you will gain more knowledge about that subject, which could benefit you even long after the course ends at the end of the year/semester. Just try it; you might surprise yourself in some way.

So, if you want to make 2021 a better year for yourself, take the time to learn something new every day.

13. Have Faith

2021 is just beginning, and we don’t know what this new year will have in store for us. Of course, we have been in the middle of a pandemic since the beginning of last year, but at least this time, we can prepare ourselves. By preparing ourselves, we can hope for the best and expect the worst, as some would say, yet we can also prepare ourselves by having faith. I have seen numerous places about putting faith over fear in public and on social media. That’s a crucial part of taking action if you want 2021 to be better than last year.

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Nothing like sunshine on the mountains to keep you thinking positively and having faith

As I have mentioned before, thinking positively and looking at the bright side of things can give you an uplifting feeling. For me to have faith, I pray to God, and I’m always thankful for every day he gives me; also, even though some of those days are chaotic and tough, I still thank God for those days because I know he has a plan for everyone who trusts and believes in him. God has a plan for all of us, and those who believe and have faith know that his plans will not lead us wrong.

So, to everyone out there, have faith and know that this pandemic we are in, and the crazy year we dealt with, cannot get any worse. It can only get better. I believe 2021 will be better. If you have faith and focus on the good things and all the positives you can think of 2021 can be a better year for you, too. You have to make it your year by having faith and not letting any fears get in your way.

14. Live Each Day As If It’s Your Last

Many people lost their lives in 2020, either by the Coronavirus or by something else unexpected. We did not see 2020 coming the way that it did, and one of the most significant impacts it had on us was that people have gotten sick and/or died.

Being unexpected, like 2020, makes you look at everything from an entirely new perspective—sometimes a perspective we don’t want to accept. But even though we don’t want to look at something from an unwanted viewpoint, we can use that as a lesson. We can use the disadvantages we had in 2020 to change them into advantages for us in 2021.

We can acknowledge our strengths and our weaknesses. We can ask for help when we feel clueless. We can also use our experiences to provide better outcomes for ourselves and the people around us. But more importantly, cherish every moment we have and enjoy life. We all don’t know when our last days on this Earth will be, and considering this crazy mess 2020 was, we can make 2021 better. We can live our lives to the fullest and enjoy every minute as if it’s our last. So, with that being said, live your life the best way that makes you happy with no regrets, just love, peace, and joy all around.

2021, Welcome!

To all of you reading this, I hope the ways I showed how 2021 could be a better year will be helpful, inspiring, and motivating.

Welcome, 2021. It’s good to finally have you here.

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A fellow blogger I have connected with has written a lovely post. It’s similar to the one called See You Never, 2020. It’s a wonderful read by Mani Dhillon, and everything she has to say in that post is something worth hearing.

Another great post for 2021 I love is from Ginger Abbot, and she posted on Amanda Holstein’s blog, Advice from a Twenty-Something. I love to read and follow one of my favorite blogs, so check out this post.


photo credit: thelearningcurvedotca <a href=”″>Toronto Marathon 2019</a> via <a href=””>photopin</a> <a href=””>(license)</a>

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